Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oregon Tourism

Just a footnote for the future. Being in the printing business. It allows me to travel through this great state of ours. I have traveled through 22 states of this great nation and it is my belief that Oregon is one if not the best State over all. We have everything. The Oregon Coast is absolutely Gorgeous. This is hard to say because I grew up in Southern California skateboarding and surfing the great waves of Huntington Beach California. I live in Medford Oregon and would not live anywhere else. Two days ago I had bright blue skies and today I have this wonderful white blanket of snow. By this Friday the snow will be gone and I will be golfing Saturday. Let's not forget Crater Lake and other great places to visit. My blog will be set in a truthful and simple way of explaining my feelings. I will not be adding discriptions like Sunset Magazine. I will close by saying that if any one has any details they would like to share or would like to talk to me. Please reach out and let's get the word out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Paul! Great minds drink alike! :-)
    I look forward to reading your blog. As you know, mine is
