Thursday, November 9, 2017

2017 Harvest

I've been talking to a lot of wine industry people and it seems we've had another good harvest this year. Each vineyard is different for multiple reasons. My suggestion is when you go into a SO. Oregon Winery. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the harvest. It's my goal to get more tasting rooms to post notes about the harvest. A few have brought in grapes during harvest. The fruit flies stink, but tasting the fruit on the vine is fun to taste. I love tasting wine from vine to Bottle. I write little notes so I can remember the changes that each vintage and varietal goes through. I'm not an expert when it comes to wine making, but I believe you will enjoy learning and enjoying the changes each year goes through as the wine matures over the years. Great winemakers make great wine, but like many things that become great. It starts in the beginning. #buysouthernoregonwines

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